Resetting Your Password

There are a few different instances where you may need, or want to, reset your password.

First, you may be prompted to reset your password upon logging in. This will allow you to customize your password to something you’ll be able to easily remember for the duration of the study. When you first login, you’ll be immediately brought to an account registration page where you will have the opportunity to confirm your account details and reset your password. Make sure to choose a password that is unique to you and is something you will be able to remember!
That being said, with the number of passwords you need to remember these days it can be easy to forget. So what happens if you do forget your password? In this case, simply follow the steps below.

Resetting Your Password From the Login Page

While on the login page, select the Forgot my password link, as shown in the photo below:

Enter your email into the Email Address text box and select Send:

You will be sent an email containing a Select a New Password button. Click this button to be redirected to the password reset page. If you do not receive the password reset email, check your spam folder. If it is not in your spam folder either, then reach out to your Moderator(s) for assistance:

Enter your new password in both text boxes and select Save to confirm it.

Resetting Your Password From Within the Platform

You can also choose to reset your password from within the platform at anytime (if permitted). To do so, complete the following steps below.

Select your profile image in the top right corner of your screen and click on Account Settings.

Select the  Change my password toggle, and enter your current password into the Current Password text box. Then, enter your new password in the Select a New Password text box and confirm it in the Confirm New Password text box.

Scroll to the bottom of the page and select Save. Upon submitting the form, a verification code will be sent to your email address. Check your email for the code and enter it in the window.

If you continue to have issues logging in or resetting your password, reach out to your Moderator(s) for assistance.

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